For now, a few updates:
- My garden is coming along quite nicely. We have seen the comings and goings of several flowers, I've done some major weeding, and we've successfully grown tomatoes and strawberries. More on that soon, I promise!
- I am now seriously considering what I actually want to do with my career. This goes back up to the whole "did I get out with my soul?" question above - and I'll talk more about it later too.
- I am planning on running a half marathon in November. I may be insane, since there may be snow in November and it's right before someone's wedding, but it's the soonest I could get together a training plan that worked, and I'm actually pretty psyched to run on Heartbreak Hill (even if it is the
- We are going to Maine in a few weeks and spending a whole week there! We've never done more than a weekend, since it's always been me coming up to Brendan's, then us traveling out to Maine, but now that I'm here we're doing a real vacation. I am so, so in need of a vacation, and Maine is my favorite place to spend time with my sweetie.
Hopefully I will be back soon with more substantial stuff (and pictures!), but I just wanted to say hi to everyone - and a special shout out to my old lab, who is currently spending the day at the beach without me. So jealous!
Hope you are all having a much more relaxing summer than me.....can't wait for the fall, though!